Greetings Everyone,
Something special happened this week that I’m proud to share with you.
On Monday, I posted an original poem in BAD POETRY MONDAY called “Memories of Christmas.” There were two versions. The first was ready to go and on a final re-read, I decided it sounded shmaltzy. So, I wrote a second version. Both were about loss, but the second one turned out lighter. One reader called it “hilarious.”
Then, the special happened. To borrow an English phrase, I was gob smacked.
A good friend of mine from high school days, Phil Dynan, who is also a writer on Substack, and an accomplished artist, read my poem and it inspired him to put it to music. He said it was “funny and it made people smile.”
Phil, you must understand, is an award-winning and an amazing artist, who with his partner and artist, Anastasia Nelson, create 3D “motion” sculptures together. Next year, they will have three exhibitions scheduled at California museums.
Phil says his goal as an artist “is to get people to smile, laugh, dance, sing, and give them a respite from the world of bad news that we seem to be dwelling in. Music is a universal language that people understand and appreciate.” He said that was why he chose my poetry and from the words created a new piece of art in the form of a musical video.
I was blown away when I saw my words turned into a different art form. It felt as though my words had taken on a new life of their own. I can only imagine how a screenwriter or playwright must feel when they see their words come to life on the big screen or stage.
Some of Phil’s video is created by AI, artificial intelligence, and some by his original digital art. Based on my poem (lyrics) he set the tone, style and mood of the music, managed all the edits and synchronized the art with the music. At the end, he used his own art to create the smoky form of the end title “Bad Poetry Monday” as a way to add authenticity to the video.
This new piece, which he titled “Christmas Tree Gone,” is part of a music video series he’s produced on YouTube.
He said most of his video work in the series centers around life on an Indian Reservation in the area (the last American Indian died there a few years ago and the rest moved to their casino property. All that’s left now, in the middle of Nowhere-California, is Phil and his artist wife, Anastasia, 60 rescue animals, and about 600 hillbillies, as he calls them.
Aside from being fulltime working artists, Phil and Anastasia founded and run the Accidental Animal Rescue Center.
I highly encourage you to view Phil and Anastasia’s art. It’s brilliant, colorful, and makes me smile. Also, I encourage you to follow Phil on his Substack where he writes some profound articles about his life as an artist and animal rescuer, as well as other subjects that will make you stop and ponder.
Phil made my day when he explained what he wanted to do and as the professional he is, first, asked for my approval. Without hesitation, I said, “Yes.”
Hope you enjoy Phil’s music video. Made me smile.
Hoping that your readers will enjoy the collaborative effort!
Soooo awesome! Super creative! Love it.